Free preview classes in August! Call (615)-771-0020
Check out this list of each of our classes.
Toddler Tunes (Ages 2-3 Years)
30 Minutes Weekly
$65 Per Month
Parental Participation Required
Give your child their first musical experience with this weekly, 30 minute class–made just for toddlers!
Toddlers and parents will take part in the music-making experience together, learning:
- Rhythms
- Finger-plays
- Active movement games
- Keyboard exploration
- Singing
It’s the perfect opportunity to expose your little one to music, and give them a head start on playing the piano!
Music Makers (Ages 3-4 Years)
45 Minutes Weekly
Program Duration: 1 & 1/2 years
$75 Per Month
Parental Participation Required
For children aged 3-4 years, our Music Makers program is the perfect dynamic readiness program.
This weekly class emphasizes many vital aspects of musical readiness:
- Ear training through solfege singing (Do, Re, Mi, etc)
- Movement
- Keyboard activities
- Pitch
- Rhythm Awareness
Music Makers also helps jump-start your little one’s imagination and encourages creativity throughout each lesson.
Piano Pals (Ages 5-6 Years)
55 Minutes Weekly
Program Duration: 2 Years
$85 Per Month
Parent Involvement Strongly Encouraged
Our Piano Pals class is a great opportunity for your child to learn the basic building blocks of music.
In this class, we will explore a number of musical elements:
- Ear training through solfege singing
- Keyboard playing
- Ensemble and rhythm activities
- Development of each student’s “inner hearing” (which can help in the development of improvisation and composition abilities later on)
Mighty Musicians (Ages 7-8)
55 Minutes Weekly
Program Duration: 2 Years
Parent Involvement Strongly Encouraged
This more advanced class begins to focus on the beginnings of musical performance and note reading.
The class encompasses:
- Ear training through solfege singing
- Keyboard Performance
- Note reading
- Study of pitch and rhythm
- Movement activities
This comprehensive program is perfect for children who are ready to move into the specifics of musical creation.
Keyboard Kids (Ages 9-12)
55 Minutes Weekly
Program Duration: 2 Years
Parental Involvement is Strongly Encouraged
Keyboard Kids is a great opportunity for young musicians to develop their musical skills in a fun environment.
This program encompasses:
- Basic musicianship skills
- Ear training through solfege singing
- Keyboard performance
- Writing music
With Keyboard Kids, your child can move to the next step of musical knowledge and performance.
Young Artists (Advanced Course)
55 Minutes Weekly
Program Duration: 2 Years
This class is for pupils who have completed one of our previous classes and want to continue their musical education.
Our Young Artists class helps children capitalize on the musical knowledge they’ve gained in our previous courses.
This class encompasses:
- The study of a variety of musical styles and elements
- Technical study
- Sight-reading study
- Three- and four-part ensemble study
- Expanded ear training (including dictation, recognition of tonal centers and chord progression)
- Transposing of keys
- Learning to accompany solfege singing with music
- Study of musical history and its greatest composers
- Tips for expanded musical creativity
Route 88 (Ages 12-Adult)
55 Minutes Weekly
Program Duration : 1 Year
Parental Involvement is Encouraged
This advanced course offers all of the lessons and study of our previous courses, but is set at a faster pace to suit teenagers’ and adults’ quicker learning style.
Route 88 covers everything:
- Ear training through solfege singing
- Learning notes and chords
- Music theory (explored through improvising, arranging, transposing and composing)
- Ensemble performance with other students, on keyboard and rhythm instruments
- Students will learn to play in six different keys
*Miller Piano currently offers free preview classes for parents and children! Come to our classroom and take part in one of our lessons–free of charge! You’ll be glad you did.
*Class sizes are limited to 5 students, so enroll today by calling (615) 771-0020!