Make Music Day – WOW!

(615) 771-0020

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Notice: 🎹 Leadership Retreat & Team Recharge: July 17-31

Miller Piano Specialists is fine-tuning our business harmony! Our team is on a strategic planning retreat, combined with some family time. We are checking messages periodically, but responses may be delayed. Please feel free to browse our online resources in the meantime. Thanks for your understanding – we'll return refreshed to serve you better!

Travis Mitchell June 18, 2016 1 Min Read

For “Make Music Day” we had some very special guests appearing for pictures and musical fun! Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Batman TV show, we had Robin (Alex Zsolt), Batman and Batgirl (Dakota Lee), appearing live in our showroom.

Special thanks should be given to the participants that came to our Clavinova Cafe with our “Caped Crusaders”. We would also like to thank the following:

Alex Asolt for appearing, bringing some of his Batman collection to share with us. (including his costumes) You may find some great music and booking information on Alex at

We would like to thank Alex’s lovely mother Elizabeth for her help and support in setting up. Dakota Lee for her Batgirl participation. Smiles by Design and Dr. D. Jones and The Bread of Life Ministry for the goodie bags for this event. All the Gang at Miller Piano Specialists for their hard work in pulling this event together. A very special “Thanks” to Debra Sheridan, our photographer for the event. You can find out more about Debra’s work and how to use her for your event at

Please watch for more events from Miller Piano Specialists!

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