
The Yamaha TransAcoustic: The Future of Music

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At Miller Piano Specialists, we receive many inquiries from churches, schools, colleges, recording studios, and home educators as to what is the best piano for students and aspiring pianists to learn, practice, and record on. In almost every situation, we recommend that institutions purchase the Yamaha TransAcoustic piano.

There are a number of reasons why we recommend the Yamaha TransAcoustic as the superior piano in an institutional or educational setting:

  • Rather than coming from an artificial electronic speaker like a digital piano, the sampled non-piano sounds in the repertoire of the TransAcoustic are projected directly from the sounding board of the piano itself, resulting in a sound and timbre that is not just more authentic but fuller, richer, and more colorful.
  • The multitude of sampled sounds in the TransAcoustic means that writers and composers of all skill levels and genres can receive greater inspiration and creativity from the TransAcoustic than they might from a traditional acoustic piano.
  • Though it is not a “player piano,” the TransAcoustic does have playback and recording capabilities, making it ideal for studio settings or the lone composer who wants to layer multiple sounds on top of one another.
  • With so many different uses and applications, the TransAcoustic is, per use and per person, the most cost effective acoustic piano currently on the market for churches, schools, colleges, recording studios, and beyond.

Digital pianos may have taken the world by storm in recent decades, but the reality is that we will never truly give up our love affair with traditional acoustic pianos—and for good reason. With the Yamaha TransAcoustic piano, you can get the best of both worlds: the flexibility and sampling of a digital piano with the rich and colorful resonance of traditional acoustic pianos that will never go out of style. That is why we recommend the Yamaha TransAcoustic to all of the above institutions and more, and why the TransAcoustic is truly the future of music.

For more information about the Yamaha TransAcoustic piano, visit their website or call Miller Piano Specialists at (615) 771-0020. More about Miller Piano Specialists can be found on our website at

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