We are excited to announce the upcoming MPS annual Awards Show! Thursday, October 21, 2021 in our showroom. We will be announcing the top 10 nominees in each catagory for Songwriter of the Year, Vocalists of the Year, Compser of the Year, Instrumentalists of the Year, Entertainer of the Year, Horizon Award and our Living Legend Awards. The night will be filled with live music, our MPS band, our famous MPS commercials (you will love to see, exciting this year), hordevours by Black Diamond Culinary and Special announcer for the Living Legend Awards. Dave and Sherry will be hosting along with the aid of Russ Roberts. Please reserve a spot now, as seating is limited…615-771-0020. Watch our live facebook Thursday, Sept 16th for our top 10 nominees and how you can vote for your favorite in each catagory!
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