“How to” connect your Yamaha Disklavier Enspire to your IOS device

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Travis Mitchell December 21, 2022 1 Min Read

“How To”…
Use and set up your Yamaha Disklavier Enspire
With your ios devise and app to play internal songs.

1. Start with Yamaha Disklavier off.

2. Make sure the small switch on the back of the Disklavier box (on the left side if you are facing the piano) is switched to AP model. This allows your piano to talk to your ios devise.

3. Make sure you have the Yamaha Disklavier Enspire App downloaded to your ios devise.

4. Take the UDWL-01 that came with your piano and place it in the USB port in the back of the Disklavier Box that faces the front of the piano.

5. Turn on the piano. Look to make sure the UDWL-01 is flashing blue. Now give it a few seconds for the piano to all come on. Lights on the front will be dark blue and green.

6. Go to general settings on your ios devise and turn your wi-fi setting on your phone, off then on. You should see, as you scroll down dkv####### (#will be numbers). Tap that to that option to connect your piano to your phone app.

7. Now return to your Yamaha Disklavier Enspire App and open it, you should see your piano number show up, tap that and it will open app and connect to your piano.


8. Go to songs – then you will see genre choices of songs – 500 internal songs to choose from.

9. Have fun!!!!

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