Yamaha Disklavier – “One of a Kind”

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Travis Mitchell November 10, 2014 2 Min Read

disklavier remote

I have had the privilege to work with Yamaha pianos and the Disklavier since 1985. I have seen a lot of wonderful changes in technology through the years. Yamaha has always been on the forefront of technology and piano precision.

In September of 2014, I had the opportunity to really work with the latest in the Yamaha Disklavierā€™s capabilities. Three fellow musicians and I went to New York City. We sang to the accompaniment of a Yamaha DC3x Disklavier grand piano. While we were playing live in New York, an audience at Miller Piano Specialistsā€™ showroom in Franklin, Tennessee, witnessed this event. Now that may not sound like a big deal, but to see the show in ā€œreal timeā€ on a big screen television and the keys of a Yamaha DCFX (9ā€™ concert grand piano) move with every stroke playing in New York and Tennessee at the same time is AMAZING!

Right now the Yamaha Disklavier has approximately 30 internet radio stations with a variety of music streaming 24/7 for your listening pleasure. This is my favorite time of year because of the holiday stations that they have added this month.
Did you know you now have approximately 100 concerts (live or on demand) thru your television that will play the video on your television and your piano plays with the concert? Go to ā€œDisklavier On Demandā€ and check out some of the concerts and programs available for your home.

Now everything we discussed is geared around entertainment. Letā€™s talk about education. For a student, young or young at heart, to be able to record their left hand, and while it plays back, practice their right hand is like having your teacher right there on the bench with you! To record your musical piece, and save it so you can sit back and watch your technique and pedaling is unbelievable! To save this performance to a thumb drive and send it to your relatives or friends thru the internet is a fantastic way to share your musical accomplishments.

To the professional musician and songwriter, Yamaha has just opened the door to a new era! You can live in one state and co-write to someone in another via the Yamaha Disklavier!

You or your children may never be performers, but you will never know how far they will go until you take the Disklavier challenge! This instrument has more than anything on the market today. It will do more than anything on the market today. And what is really greatā€¦Yamaha is still working to make things better and to grow with our ever changing musical world.

Do your homework. Look up the Yamaha Disklavier piano and see what makes me so proud to be a part of what I believe is the best technologically advanced instrument in the world!

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