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To book an appointment with Mr. Straiton please RSVP below…

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Here are some of Walt’s biographical facts and acconplishments:


  • Walt Straiton is Eastern/Mid-Atlantic Manager of the Institutional Solutions Group of Yamaha Corporation of America.
  • A graduate of Millersville University (PA) and the Eastman School of Music
  • A recipient of a coveted John F. Kennedy Center Fellowship for Teachers in the Arts (conducting the United States Air Force Orchestra in concert in the Kennedy Center in Washington, DC)
  • Walt provides overall artistic guidance for the CSO, as well as serve as principal conductor of CSO Pops and Education programming.
  • Mr. Straiton has pursued doctoral studies at the Pennsylvania State Universityduring which time he served as assistant conductor of the University Philharmonic and Chamber Orchestras, and was subsequently invited to appear as a guest conductor of the Music at Penn’s Woods Summer Festival Orchestra.
  • Mr. Straiton appeared as a finalist for “Teacher of the Year” in the nationally-televised Walt Disney Corporation’s “American Teacher Awards”.
  • Mr. Straiton has appeared as a guest conductor with numerous orchestras around the nation, including appearances with the New World Symphony Orchestra (Miami Beach, FL), the United States Air Force Symphony Orchestra, the Champaign-Urbana (IL) Symphony Orchestra, and the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra (PA).
  • Walt is recognized as a national leader in the movement to bring both standard and contemporary jazz repertoire to the American symphony orchestra, Walt continues to serve as a guest conductor of student festival orchestras throughout the country,including past appearances with All-State Orchestras in Florida, Vermont, Rhode Island, and West Virginia. He will serve as the guest conductor of the 2014 Virginia All-StateOrchestra Festival.
  • Walt’s published articles include comprehensive orchestral program development, conducting, and music technology have appeared in the Jazz Education Journal, American String Teachers Journal, and the Technology Institute for Music Education.
  • Walt has produced and conducted numerous multi-genre outdoor concert events featuring such jazz/pop guest artists as Maynard Ferguson, Chuck Mangione, Buddy Rich, Lionel Hampton, Phil Woods, The Captain and Tennille, The Spinners, Patti Austin, Neil Sedaka, Franki Valli and the Four Seasons, and Bobby Rydell.
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