Nashville School of the Arts Students – high tech!

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Travis Mitchell February 8, 2014 1 Min Read


nsaoneNashville School of the Arts students go high tech
Piano students at Nashville School of the Arts participated in two groundbreaking technology based educational events. Using Yamaha Piano “Disklavier” technology supplied by Miller Piano Specialists in Nashville, piano students experienced two “remote live” events. The first, a collaborative event with Vanderbilt’s Blair School of Music and the Schermerhorn Symphony Center, showed off the piano’s capacity to seem “to be in two places at once”, as students could visually see Professor Karen Krieger performing at the Schermerhorn via Skype, and hear and watch the piano keys move through the Disklavier in the NSA auditorium.

The following afternoon the students had an opportunity to play for their peers at Overton High School in Memphis. Students and teachers listened, watched, and critiqued each other’s musical pieces in an educational “distance exchange.”

Distance performance and learning; where you can hear and see the keys on a piano move in real time from a piano located anywhere in the world will give teachers and students great benefits. We thank our friends at Yamaha, Miller Piano, Blair School of Music, the students, teachers and administrators at Nashville School of the Arts and Overton High School in Memphis, and all the IT professionals for breaking ground in this exciting field.

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