Black Diamond Culinary opening soon with Yamaha Disklaver!

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Notice: 🎹 Leadership Retreat & Team Recharge: July 17-31

Miller Piano Specialists is fine-tuning our business harmony! Our team is on a strategic planning retreat, combined with some family time. We are checking messages periodically, but responses may be delayed. Please feel free to browse our online resources in the meantime. Thanks for your understanding – we'll return refreshed to serve you better!

Travis Mitchell October 1, 2019 2 Min Read

We are proud to be a part of the “soon to open” Black Diamond Culinary! It will be a unique experience of education, fine food, dining and music. They will be featuring in the facility a Yamaha Disklavier for your musical experience as well! Below is an article about the up and coming vision of Kris McCorkle!

We Have the Keys!
This has been a long time coming, a dream in the making of the past two years. After many years of buying/ordering items, drawing out a floor plan, coming up with new recipes, taking photos of endless dishes that have been produced, and catering as much as possible to stay on top of my craft, we now have brick & mortar. I have been working towards this goal since 1985, and I’m ready to share a passion of cooking with friends, family, and new friends. In the coming weeks, walls will be coming down, ceilings being replaced, fresh paint, new flooring, and shiny appliances being installed. Basically a ‘ramped-up, triple the size’ version of my home kitchen, so now I can have more of you around my table!

My hopes are that all of you will come and enjoy what I love so much. Come and put an apron on, have a glass of wine, and soak up the experience we have planned for you. We want this to feel like home, we want you to feel at home once our doors are open.

So, stay tuned, and check in! There will be constant changes on the status of our build out in the next week. We look forward to having you in our kitchen!

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