Playing the piano is an exciting and enjoyable experience for most pianists. However, falling into a complacent routine with piano playing can be easy. If you want to grow in your piano skills, taking a step back is essential in evaluating where you are as a pianist. In this article, we mention a few ways you may be being complacent with your piano playing. So, are you being lazy with your piano playing?
Practicing Mindlessly or Incorrectly
One of the foundational elements of piano technique is scale practice. If you are not already practicing piano scales, you should consider doing so. But it’s simple to be sucked into mindless scale practice. They could surely get boring if you don’t have ways to make things interesting.
Additionally, wrong fingerings make learning scales quite simple. It makes playing easier; thus, some scales have particular finger patterns. Refresh your scale practice with new exercises and routines, and check your fingers to ensure you’re playing with the proper technique.
Playing with Poor Posture
One of the simplest bad habits to form is practicing the piano with improper posture. Not just when you practice but throughout the day, posture requires care. Good posture will improve the tone on the piano and help any muscle aches you may experience from practicing will be reduced with good piano posture. Examine your posture at the piano carefully the next time you sit down to play.
Using the Wrong Fingers to Play
Piano technique poor habits can also be formed by practicing with the incorrect fingers. When beginning to play the piano, choosing the fingers that come naturally to you can be simple. Of course, practicing the piano intuitively has its place and time, so set aside some time to experiment.
However, you will form bad habits if you practice a piece on the piano with different finger positions every time. You’ll sound sloppy in your technique and move slower overall. Choose a finger pattern for your pieces and continuously practice it. At first, it could appear more challenging, but you’ll be delighted with the outcomes in the long run.
Not Using the Pedal Correctly
The pedal is your friend. However, using pedals too much might result in muddy, unfocused piano playing. It would be best if you didn’t use a pedal to cover up poor coordination or technique.
How do you feel about the sustain pedal? Have you ever given it any thought? Take note of how you use the pedal the next time you make use of the sustain pedal.
Not Being Expressive
Last but not least, it’s easy to establish the poor habit of ignoring expression. Expression is the lifeblood of music. Your performances won’t be as forceful and fascinating as they could be if you miss the expressive element in your pieces.
Be sure to use your expressive ability every time you play the piano. The ability to play the piano technically is undeniable. However, playing an instrument is a creative and expressive skill. You need the ideal fusion of artistry and technique to succeed. The next time you practice, pay close attention to how you deliver your music.
So, are you being lazy with your piano playing? Asking yourself this question is a great place to start on your journey to expert piano playing. We hope this article gave you helpful insight into how to keep your piano journey fun and with growth.
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