
Top 5 Best Pieces of Classical Music

Classical music is a beautiful genre in many ways. Though there's a plethora to choose from, we chose our top 5 list of the best pieces of classical music:

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Classical Music has been around for centuries and is still one of the most loved genres in the music world. The Classical period lasted from 1750 to 1820 but is still an essential genre even today. This beautiful music stems from traditions from Western culture. Various artists and successful symphonies have made Classical music what it is now. Although there is a plethora to choose from, we chose our top 5 list of the best pieces of classical music:


#5. The Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840 – 1893) is the artist who wrote the iconic Nutcracker Suite piece in 1892. The Nutcracker Suite came from “The Nutcracker” ballet in 1892 for orchestra. The original two-act ballet wasn’t successful when it first came out in the late 1800s. Thankfully, this didn’t discourage Tchaikovsky from being creative. Since the late 1960’s all the way to today, The Nutcracker Suite has become very popular especially in North America. This piece has many complex instruments, unforgettable melodies, and has made it Pyotr’s most successful piece of work.

Listen to the Nutcracker Suite, Op. 71a below:

#4. Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, K.525

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart wrote this beautiful serenade. The beuatiful piece was released in 1787, long after his own death. The reason behind why Mozart wrote this very gentle sounding piece is unknown and remains a mystery. It’s composed of only 4 stringed instruments; Two violins, viola, cello, and double bass. Today, it’s played by larger string orchestras. This classical piece is well-known in the classical music world and is one of Mozart’s most famous serenades.

Take a listen to this piece performed by Opole Philharmonic Orchestra:

#3. Für Elise

This composition makes it halfway through our list. Ludwig Van Beethoven wrote Für Elise, one of his most famous pieces. Debuted 40 years after his death. It’s a very simple yet memorable composition written for a piano solo. Although this piece still doesn’t have a set title, it still became successfully known worldwide. Historians have tried to uncover the woman who inspired Beethoven to compose this piece. To this day, nobody is sure who this mystery woman in Beethoven’s life could be, but people have their speculations.

Listen to “Für Elise” down below:

#2. The Four Seasons

Debuted in 1723, The Four Seasons became the most successful and famous piece by Italian composer, Antonio Vivaldi. The Four Seasons was made up for four violin concertos. Each of them represents the four different seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. This piece is very expressive and illustrative with its sounds. It’s a beautiful symphony and it makes a staple as an iconic classical music piece.

Click below to take a listen to “The Four Seasons”:

#1. Symphony No.5 in C minor, Op.67 (“Victory Symphony”)

“The Victory Symphony” takes the number one spot on our list. Beethoven composed this piece between 1804-1808 by Ludwig Van Beethoven. With the emotionally effective and complex melodies in this piece, this symphony has become one of the most famous pieces in all classical music.

Listen below to the most iconic symphony in Classical Music:


Do you agree with our list? We hope you enjoyed looking at our list of top 5 best pieces of classical music. If you have any questions about where to buy a piano for the best price, visit us or look through our online store!

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