On line “Free Lessons with Sherry” will start back on Thursday, January 7, 2021 at 2:30 pm. We will run them Tuesday thru Fridays. I have missed our time together, and now the holidays are over, we can take some time to enjoy our pianos and the new licks, tricks, and apps for you to use in learning from home. These lessons are only 15-20 minutes each day and archived on our website and facebook for your convenience. If you would like to review before we start back up, you can go to Lessons with Sherry. Just scroll down to older post and keep going back to the first lessons which started in April 2020.
Thank you for your support and being a part of our world at Miller Piano Specialists, where learning is fun! These are play be ear lessons utilizing the Nashville Number System. Anyone that can count to 7, can play by ear!